SIIA has “raised the bar” to optimize investor/company networking with larger companies.

On Monday, June 9th, companies with more than $2 million in EBITDA are invited to take part in a curated, three-hour networking session. The event will feature “speed-dating” sessions with 15+ hand-picked, invite-only private equity firms focused on the self-insurance marketplace.

To participate in this unique connection opportunity, select Yes during the registration process.  Details will be provided in advance of the conference.

Please note participation as part of this networking session is limited to companies involved in the self-insurance marketplace with a minimum of $2 million in EBITDA as of 12/31/24 with an interest in engaging with the Forum’s Growth Partner Sponsors. Unless confirmed as a sponsor, financial-related firms (VC/PE firm, investment back, etc.) are not eligible to participate.


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2025 Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc.